We’re all Buddhists and we’re all (New) Methodists

Two Contemporary
Buddhist Methodists

(We’ve had to revise this post since the silly vote last year by the Old Methodists to not allow gay clergy or same sex marriage. See this post.)

A  Buddhist is someone who seeks peace, joy, meaning, and a Methodist is someone who seeks, or collects various methods to enhance peace, joy and meaning in life. Seeking these qualities is as natural as breathing. Both Jesus and Buddha said as much. 

(In regard to the original method of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism,  see  our relationship to him here, and his original methods here. )

 Peace, joy, meaning—three biggies that are not often discussed in daily conversation. Yet peace, joy and meaning are what our daily lives are designed to deliver. Peace, joy, meaning  are three words for the exact same transcendental experience. Such an experience can come upon us while kneeling in church or kneeling over an ant pile; sitting on the cushion or sitting on the cross-town bus.  It’s a moment when “heaven on earth”peeks through.

The best of our artists, in every discipline, bring forth that experience of peace, joy, meaning,  (sometimes emphasizing one of these qualities,sometimes emphasizing an other, but where one is, all three always exist.) That’s why we’re the New Buddhist Methodist Church, Satsang and Artist Colony. Welcome to our play.         

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