The Purpose of Life: Heaven on Earth

So, what’s the purpose of life?
Strikes me that at least part of the answer might come from people who have died, gone to heaven, and come back to tell about it. Those types of experience intrigue me.
For the past three or four months I’ve been on a “near death experience “ (NDE) kick—not literally, or physically, myself, near death, or so it seems—but reading about it in the vast NDE literature, and talking with folks in person who have had these experiences and listening to them on Youtube.
I’ve also been led to research the “between life” phenomenon, and the “before life” phenomenon—e.g., reincarnation and the memories of such. And oh yea, I also like to read about, and listen to those folks who are able to talk with those who have passed on– ‘a la Long Island Medium, and the like.

Let me also confess, when I say I’ve been on this kick for the last three or four months, that just means this time around. These questions and experiences have been for me a lifelong fascination.
I know, I know… I’m somewhat of a kook, out on the edge.
But as John Lennon observed, “I’m not the only one.” So…

One of the latest books I’ve been reading— God and the Afterlife, by Jeffrey Long., MD. And Paul Perry— is one of the more enjoyable and informative books in the NDE literature simply because it contains more first-hand accounts than many of the others, and is organized in a unique way. Long’s book has again inspired me to simplify and rethink “the purpose of life.”
As mentioned in previous posts about the purpose of life, it seems both practical and wise to have an overall understanding, or articulation—for one’s self, if for no one else—what the purpose of life is. If we don’t understand what our purpose in life is, then we will tend to work for any old purpose that comes along, which can be both dangerous and unhealthy.
Trying to articulate “The purpose of life” is a biggie, of course, but seasons do arise in one’s life where it seems quite appropriate to tackle these bigger issues—issue like what the hell we’re here for. Lot s of times those questions come up early in life—particularly in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood— in one or all of these seasons.
But then we often get lost in paying the mortgage, going to school programs, making the team, or the cut or the next best house, etc. etc. We get lost, distracted and just do our daily deeds as if we had a clear picture of the Big Picture.
But the question about the purpose of life often comes up again for some folks in mid-career. They say, “I can’t keep doing this for the rest of my life. Life surely needs to be more than this. What’s the purpose?” Sometimes known as mid-life crisis, which can occur at any time.
And then again the question comes up at the end of a career—nearing retirement, or at retirement, or after retirement : what now? Endless golf? Cruises to the sunny places? For some, it’s simply: what’s my next diversion? More knitting, woodworking, lawn care, scrabble or cross word puzzles?
But for others, it goes deeper: what am I supposed to be doing with this breath I take every day?

After going on this NDE kick, this after-life, before life, previous-life kick, it has, for me, come down to this: OUR BASIC PURPOSE HERE ON EARTH IS TO BRING HEAVEN HERE TO EARTH.
I know, that sounds corny. And heaven, of course, is multi-hued, multi-leveled, multi-beautiful. But heaven is basically LOVE, in all its permutations, which is another word for BEUATY, in all its expressions, and Love and Beauty are words for PEACE, and JOY, DELIGHT and SURPRISE— all words for the same frequency. (“Heaven is not a place, one NDE’er remarked. “It’s a frequency.”)
Our purpose here is to bring heaven—love, beauty, peace, delight, surprise, joy, compassion, wisdom—to earth. Which might mean something as simple as putting a flower in the windowsill of the kitchen. Or helping the gas station guy to laugh at the craziness of his customers. Or to sit quietly with a friend who needs to talk it out.
Bring heaven to earth. To the room, and space, and frequency that we are.
Made me think I need to clean up the clutter in my office. And not be so judgmental about the other players in pickle ball. And simply enjoy the companionship of my kids and their kids and the chilly weather that we share.
Bringing heaven to earth. A good catch-all phrase for what we’re doing here, in the flesh, at this time. It would of course be nice to bring an end to the wars, an end to poverty, an end to ignorance and brutality in all its shapes and forms. Which we do, by putting a flower in the kitchen window, and being with a friend in need.
Bring heaven to earth. Such a simple phrase, Such a practical life’s work.
I’m open to other suggestions, if you think you can say it better…

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