Mentors Wanted

Obviously, as you look around this website you can see that at the New Buddhist Methodist Church, Satsang and Art Studio we put forth and share many new and old methods for living more prosperously, more peaceably, more grinningly (e.g., more lovingly.) If you are like most of us here in the new millennium, you are already practicing a variety of these methods to meet the needs of the moment. And again, if you are like most of us, you practice some methods at the expert level, while you practice other methods at the beginner or intermediate level. So be it. Such is life.

Regardless of the methods in which we are most skilled, we always have room and opportunity to learn more about that particular method. Indeed, the most advanced practitioners seem most keenly aware of how much more they have to learn. In that sense then, we are all “pilgrims” on a pilgrimage of unfolding artistry.

That said, it’s also obvious that some of us can mentor others in various methods, while still being a “learner pilgrim” in that and other methods. Here at the NMC if you feel ready and willing to mentor others in a particular path, we invite you to do so via our website. If you have been practicing your method for twenty years or more, we consider you an “Elder Mentor.”

Please let me know if you would be willing to help others in your area of interest or expertise. As Chaucer put it, “Gladly would he learn, and gladly teach.

We are pilgrims and mentors, all. Let’s do a potluck.

Contact us here:

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